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New year, new kitchen! Home renovation projects usually begin with the new year, and this year is no exception to that trend. We’ve put together a list of kitchen renovation ideas for 2021 to spark your creativity. Whether you’re seeking small changes like color scheme, or a big kitchen remodel, we’ve got many ideas that are sure to spark your inspiration. 

Lighting – Ambient, Natural, Task Lighting

Lighting is a very important aspect that determines the mood of a room. This is the case with kitchens as well.  A combination of both natural and task-lighting creates a welcoming ambience to any kitchen. This can be achieved through properly placed windows and overhead task-lighting. The balance between the two does wonders for the feel of a kitchen.

Accenting – Natural, Warm Hues

Warm hues such as browns, beiges and grey started trending last year, because they remind people of the warmth of a sunny day outdoors. We suggest taking this trend further in 2021 with things like wood textures and brick. Light fixtures with warm golden and copper tones contrasted with said textures further achieve this look. 

Kitchen Islands – Vibrant 

The addition of island counter space to kitchens have long been a popular choice. Now, colorful kitchen islands are trending to bring an extra bit of flavor to any kitchen. They really stand out with white cabinets and other light hues. 

Appliances – Statement Colors

On the note of colorful, vibrant appliances like fridges and ovens can really bring a kitchen to life! When treated like statement pieces it is important to try to make sure all the colors coordinate. Pro-tip: vibrant appliances look fantastic in a kitchen with white cabinets and lots of natural lighting.

We hope this list got your creative renovation juices flowing. We are happy to help you with all of your kitchen and home renovation goals for 2021. Contact us today for a free quote!