As our elected officials continue their political struggles in Washington, each exercising their rights to voice their opinions, as to what they think is best for our nation, we the people continue to hang in limbo. But no matter how frustrated we may be, we must practice patience and not loose sight of the fact that we live in this great county called America, where we have these rights. And while it may not be perfect, it must be pretty desirable, because thousands of people from all over the world, are trying to cross our borders every single day, so that they too may live the American Dream.
We are the United States of America
United we will stand
But divided, we are destined to fall !
So let us take a minute to give thanks for all that we have. And let us pray for those who are less fortunate. And let us also pray for the strength and wisdom to find compromise, so that we can preserve this great nation, for future generations to come.
And on this Memorial Day weekend let us honor and pay our highest respects those who have given the ultimate sacrifice, to preserve these rights and freedoms that We the People enjoy every single day!
And please enjoy this song that I wrote freely with my friend and fellow songwriter Ron Day (Red and Blue link below).
And have a Great Memorial Day