The days are shorter, the weather is cooler, and the city of Austin skyline is bright with Christmas lights. It’s the best time of the year to enjoy life’s simplicities, even while social distancing, as most of us are during 2020. Austin (and all of Central Texas) is known for its mild winters, so make sure to enjoy as much outdoor time as possible during the holiday season.
We know the holidays are going to look different for a lot of us this year, so Ron Day and I wrote a new Christmas song dedicated to our first responders, medical personnel, members of the armed forces, and all those not able to be with friends and family this Holiday Season. Things are going to look different this year, but we’re going to have a merry Christmas anyway!
We hope you all stay safe, warm and cheerful this holiday season! Whether you decide to get together in a social distance manner, or keep your time with loved ones virtual, we hope that you find a special way to enjoy the holidays with the people you care about most. May you be able to continue on with old holidays traditions with your loved ones, and start all new traditions during these weird times as well.
All of us here at Austin Home Renovations wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas! Thank you for continuing to trust Austin Home Renovations with your homes! We look forward to the new year of 2021 and hope to be able to see more of ya’ll in person when things get back to normal.